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来源: 西北文学城 时间:2024-04-30
1、我爱你如风,像雪见到了阳光。 I love you like the wind, like snow to the sun. 2、天气很热,想找个人冷战。 It's very hot. I want to have a cold war. 3、从此,你的周全我来护。 From then on, I will protect your integrity. 4、味蕾初尝,你的唇若蜜一般甜。 Taste buds, your lips are as sweet as honey. 5、望顶繁花,如水似流。 Looking at the top of flowers, like water like flow. 6、日暮盼归人。 I look forward to my return at dusk. 7、一辈子,一生相依。 A lifetime, a lifetime of dependence. 8、哑巴吃黄连,有…有点想念你。 Dumb eat Coptis, have I miss you a little. 9、遇上你,是缘分。 Meeting you is fate. 10、想着你,是一种思恋。 Thinking about you is a kind of yearning. 11、我是可爱的小姑娘,你是可爱。 I am a lovely little girl, you are lovely. 12、一爱到底,永远不悔! Love in the end, never regret! 13、常思对方,相守到老! Always think of each other, stay together until old! 14、人道海水深,不抵相思半。 The depth of humanity is not equal to half of Acacia. 15、声声爱着你,是一种表白。 Voice love you, is a kind of confession. 16、有我有你,兜来转去。 Yes, I have you. Go around. 17、我会努力挣钱,养你。 I will try to earn money and support you. 18、有你,我拥有爱的海洋! With you, I have the ocean of love! 19、靠谱的永远不是感情,而是人。 What is reliable is never emotion, but people. 20、左手刻着我,右手写着你。 I'm engraved in my left hand and you in your right hand. 21、钟情一生,溺爱一世。 Love one's life, spoil one's life. 22、动人的歌曲,有关你我只在意。 Touching songs, I only care about you. 23、茫茫人海,感谢相遇。 Thank you for meeting me. 24、我爱你,和你没关系。 I love you. It has nothing to do with you. 25、有一种幸福,叫有你相伴。 There is a kind of happiness, called you accompany. 26、我们可以悲伤,但一定要坚强! We can be sad, but we must be strong! 27、想摸着你的良心,睡觉。 I want to touch your conscience and sleep. 28、我们曾相爱,想到就心酸。 We once loved each other, and it was sad to think of it. 29、往后余生,我只要你! For the rest of my life, I just want you! 30、你的微笑,令我陶醉。 Your smile makes me intoxicated. 31、我爱你,一生永不更改的承诺。 I love you, the promise of my life. 32、真的很爱你,今生来世等着你! I really love you, waiting for you in this life and afterlife! 33、美美的意,恋你。 I love you. 34、眉目舒展,顺问冬安。 My eyes and eyebrows stretch out, and I ask you good winter. 35、孤舟蓑笠翁,天天望远方。 A lone boat, a coir hat, looks at the distance every day. 36、只是你的等待,等来我的伤害。 Just your waiting, waiting for my injury. 37、爱到深处,自成痴。 Love to the depth, from the infatuation. 38、翻山越岭,只为见你。 To see you. 39、瘦人间,一杯错。 Thin world, a cup of wrong. 40、我三观不正,很歪,全向着你。 My three views are not correct, very crooked, all to you. 41、银河之上,两情相悦。 Above the Milky way, two love each other. 42、你将永远失去你的宝宝。 You will lose your baby forever. 43、彼此恨,无缘风。 Hate each other, no wind. 44、交人交心,浇花浇根。 Make friends with each other and water the flowers and roots. 45、告别,三年之痒。 Farewell, three years of itching. 46、念着你,是一种陶醉。 Thinking about you is a kind of intoxication. 47、我在北城,想念有你的南。 I'm in Beicheng, I miss your south. 48、因为在乎,所以伤心。 Because care, so sad. 49、爱你的心,永远不会变。 Love your heart, never change. 50、有人伤害你,你却原谅他。 Someone hurts you and you forgive him. 51、穷尽半生荒唐,只为余生有你。 It's ridiculous to spend half of your life just for the rest of your life. 52、和你抱抱腰,幸福我想要。 Embrace your waist, I want happiness. 53、你难追嘛,我想挑战呀! You are hard to catch up with. I want to challenge you! 54、看着你,满眼都是幸福。 Looking at you, my eyes are full of happiness. 55、若不是爱你,怎么有可能等你。 If I didn't love you, how could I wait for you. 56、爱情让你动脑,婚姻让你烦恼。 Love makes you think, marriage worries you. 57、爱情,收不到讯号。 Love, no signal. 58、久爱不腻,深爱不弃。 Long love is not greasy, deep love does not give up. 59、我的爱情,很终只剩你的背影。 My love, finally only your back. 60、厮守厮守,直到天长地久。 Stay together for ever.



